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Site Rules
No offensive
No spreading of any copyrighted material
No spamming or advertising
Admin decisions are final
Please be nice
Is this open for anyone?This platform is open for all to be parents, and exisiting parents with or without children, looking to find a place to share their pain, their experience and knowledge with others while struggling this journey being a parents. There is no perfect parents, but better parents.
Can I invite friends to join this group? where to join?Yes! as long as they have children or a preparing to be parents, please invite your friends to join just follow few simple steps: go to join or join directly into the whatapps group chat normally you are required to share a family photo as a due diligence in the groupchat click on the JOIN US page
Any restriction on age?No! as long as you willing to listen, share and care!
what are the activities?Please check out our fb post.
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